Sunday, January 27

Chateau d'Oex Balloon Festival

Hot air balloons at Chateau d'Oex, 10 minutes down the road from Fiona's place.
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Tuesday, January 22

Weekend in Brussels

Grand Place
Originally uploaded by Jess & Peter

We just spent a weekend in Brussels, our first visit to Belgium. Arriving on a blustery, wet, cold morning to deserted streets, was not the best introduction. We were left wondering if we had actually arrived at the 'Central Station' or some remote suburb. It seems the locals don't get going until about 10am, so we had an hour to kill, which was spent warming up in the only coffee shop we could find open for business.

Eating mussels in BrusselsThe weekend may have started out a little disappointing, but it got better. The BELvue! museum gave us an interesting insight into Belgium, a country we knew very little about. After the beautiful but overwhelming Museum of Musical Instruments, we enjoyed a lunch of moules et frites (steamed mussels and chips), the national dish, then spent a sunny afternoon looking around town.

Sunday was spent doing a lot of walking and visiting the Belgian War Museum and Autoworld - the most interesting museums we could find that were open and good refuge from the cold. We also sampled the scrummy hot Belgian waffles that are sold on just about every street corner. Perfect on a winter day!

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Sunrise over the Alps

Photo of a beautiful winter sunrise, taken from our backyard.
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Sunday, January 6

Skiing in Schonried

This is where we go cross country skiing near Fiona's place. We took her up there today for a look around. Too slushy for skiing. There's been no snow for a while now, just rain, and the same forecast for the next week. What's the good of winter without the snow!?

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