On Saturday we battled hills, headwind and rain to get 79 km down river to a town in France called Culoz. We were hoping to stay there and continue the next day, but luck had it that there was no accommodation and we had to catch the train home.
We will tackle the next section of the ride in July/August. The next few weekends are booked up with a trip to Amsterdam (27 May), then Paris for the French Open (couldn't resist this year) followed by a drive to Germany for the World Cup (Australia vs Japan)! After a couple of months rest, we have the travel bug again.

Hi Peter & Jess
We are a couple from Denmark and are planning to do the bicycle route you have started on - along the Rhone river, starting from Geneva, through France to the Mediterranean sea.
We found information on the route on this website: http://www.dulemanalamer.com/htm/en/index.php However, we have not been able to find further information on the route e.g. experiences regarding the trip from other people. Now that we have found your site we wonder weater you can tell us where to buy maps of the route and weather these are easy to buy in Geneva.
Also other recommendations about doing this route are most welcome. We plan to do the trip in 12 days and arrive at Geneve by train in two weeks.
Will be happy to hear from you and follow your blog!
Best regards, Peter & Anne
A bundle of maps, one for each of the 23 stages, is available in French only. We bought ours from the local FNAC bookstore for about 40 swiss francs. Also available from Amazon (http://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/2970046504/402-7213328-5241724?v=glance&n=301061&v=glance).
We've just returned from our second leg of the French section: Culoz - Lyon (140km over 2 days). It was great! We are envious that you have 12 days to do the ride all at once.
If you send us an email at peterjessgard@yahoo.com.au, we'd be happy to answer any of your questions, or provide more info.
encouragements cyclistes!
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