Monday, March 19

Brief visit to Rome

Jess in front of the ColloseumWe went to Rome earlier this month as I had a meeting to attend on the Monday and Tuesday. The weekend was spent partly finishing my uni assignment and doing a spot of sightseeing. We'd visited Rome with Simon in January last year, so we'd seen most of the major sights. Sunday was a beaufitul day, nearly 20 degrees, so we soaked up the good weather just wandering through the Roman fora and sitting in a cafe in the Piazza Trastevere. Bellissimo!

Here's a link to a few more photos.


Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly Reggie ... viva Roma. Nostalgia time.

Anonymous said...


Just came across your blog from the DEH Alumni magazine. Sounds like a fantastic experience and a most enjoyable lifestyle. Why would you come back?


Peter Croft